Customer Information
About True Wealth
True Wealth AG (True Wealth for short) is a stock corporation established under Swiss law. Its registered place of business is in Zurich and its registered address is Grubenstrasse 18. True Wealth provides asset management services for its clients. Oliver Herren, Felix Niederer and the Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank hold qualified minority shareholdings in True Wealth. Martin Spirig is chairman of the board.
The provision of financial services by True Wealth is subject to, inter alia, the Financial Services Act (FinSA) as well as the Financial Services Ordinance (FinSO). It is authorised as a manager of collective assets and is subject to direct supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, Laupenstrasse 27, 3003 Bern, Switzerland.
True Wealth manages – unless there are agreements to the contrary – client assets deposited with a bank based on a power of attorney limited to asset management. It enters into a written asset management agreement with its clients, which governs the obligations and authorisations of True Wealth and the rights of clients. We deem natural persons each as private clients within the meaning of FinSA, who as such benefit from the highest level of client protection.
True Wealth monitors the assets it manages on a regular basis and ensures that the investments are in line with the agreed investment strategy as well as suitable for the client. We thereby select the investments to be included in the managed portfolio from an unlimited range of financial instruments with care and have no obligation to favour the financial instruments of certain issuers.
True Wealth is independent in its exercise of asset management and has no economic ties to third parties that give rise to a conflict of interest in connection with the financial service. If a conflict of interest cannot be completely avoided in individual cases, we will disclose it to the client.
True Wealth provides asset management services in Switzerland only. The legal relationships between the client and True Wealth are exclusively governed by Swiss law. True Wealth assumes that clients are aware of this at the time the business relationship commences.
Furthermore, please note that in case of a dispute as a client of True Wealth you have the possibility to request a dispute resolution service with OFS Ombud Finance Switzerland, 10 rue du Conseil-Général, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland.
Fees and payment
The remuneration True Wealth receives for its services derives exclusively from the management fee paid by its clients (see fees). True Wealth aims to offer to its clients the services provided by banks, fund companies, and issuers on terms that are as favourable as possible. If True Wealth receives compensation from third parties, it will pass them on to its clients, unless there are regulatory requirements to the contrary.
Risks of investing
Investing involves risks. A detailed summary is given here: Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments.

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