Help CenterChild portfolios
Child portfolios
ETF-based accounts for children and young people aged 0-17. With a separate bank account in the child's name.
General information
What is the True Wealth portfolio for children?Who can open a child account or a child portfolio with True Wealth?Can other family members such as grandparents or godparents open a child account?Will my child receive an individual investment strategy?Account related questions
What is the minimum deposit amount for a child portfolio at True Wealth?What documents do I need to open a child account?Can the child's assets be paid out at any time?What happens to the children's portfolio when my child grows up?We do not yet have the minimum deposit of CHF 1'000 for the children's portfolio completely available. Can we still open an account already?Can other family members, friends or acquaintances pay into the children's account in addition to the parents?How is the child portfolio taxed?Can’t find what you’re looking for?
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