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How do I get a portfolio individually optimized for me?

The first step after opening an account is risk profiling, which we carry out using our online questionnaire.

On this basis, we propose a customized, globally diversified portfolio that you can accept directly or adjust within your risk bandwidth. More Swiss equities? Or no commodities? No problem, our digital investment solution adapts to your wishes.

Market movements can cause your portfolio to deviate from the ideal investment mix over time. That's why we keep your portfolio on track with rebalancing. This means that we buy or sell the right investment instruments (ETFs or index funds) for you to restore the original balance. Not too often, of course - because on the one hand, every transaction costs some return (we deduct any trading commissions from our asset management fee; a bid-ask spread is nevertheless unavoidable). On the other hand, regular rebalancing can generate additional income, as price valuations often return to their long-term average in the long term.

Are you investing additional money? This is invested in accordance with the defined investment mix. The securities are sold on a pro rata basis when withdrawals are made.

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