
Talk – Start-up country Switzerland with Andri Silberschmidt
Welcome to another episode in our podcast series on the topic of «Start-up...

Talk – Capitalism and the Market Economy
What is capitalism? What is wrong with capitalism? And how can we fix it? In...

Talk – What is the economic situation in Switzerland?
Professor Dr. Tobias Straumann, one of Switzerland's best-known economists and...

Talk – What is money?
In today's Coffee Talk, we talk about a fascinating topic that is commonplace...

Talk – What does the Swiss National Bank do?
In this Coffee Talk, we talk to a very special guest, Dominik Boos, lecturer at...

#4 Why do banking crises keep happening?
Banking crises and their impact on your hard-earned money. In this podcast, we...

Why do banking crises happen every so often?
In recent weeks, many people have been asking themselves: How safe is my money...

Inflation: The Tax Nobody Wants to Pay
Inflation eats away at income and wealth, just like a tax. It's the tax we...

Bonds in Inflation: Safe is Suddenly No Longer Safe
Normally, bonds provide security to your portfolio. In periods of inflation,...
Inflation: Protecting Wealth With Real Assets
Commodities, stocks, real estate: Real assets tend to preserve their value...

Negative interest rates: These are your two options
Negative interest rates, coupled with high fees and inflation, mean savings are...